The top 3 things to do in Kodaikanal. We have researched the best 3 things and also got you an excellent deal on it. This is not the typical tourist things but something much better and different.
Visit the Happiness Centre Located in Convent Road Living a Happy LifeDo you want to live a meaningful happy life? Come visit us and learn about the techniques of improving your life and discover new joy in your life At the Happiness Centre you will learn about leading a fulfilling life. You will spend time with our Happiness and Life Coach. Navin John He is a mountain man raised in the mountains of southern India. He has been practicing naturopathy for the last 40 years, is vegetarian, and has lived a clean life free of all alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, allopathic tablets, antibiotics. Learn more about him at Happiness Coach As a happiness coach he has advised people from all around the world, including CEOs, and Senior Executives and leading businessmen from different industries. He's also helped couples, students, and individuals from all walks of life to find meaning in their lives and to enhance their lives. The Areas of Focus
The No 1 Eco Tour in Kodaikanal -ECO FUN
Forget all the regular touristy sightseeing created for the mass public, this is the real deal. |
Improve your health and Get a personal training session with a Fitness Expert 1. Go to above link 2. Call number listed make appointment. 3. Online payment only to confirm booking. |